Friday, December 05, 2008

Challenged by the Challenge

So, here it is, another year has flown by. It's December and I have joined the ranks of the rest of the QB's struggling to finish this year's Christmas Challenge. Usually I know what I'm doing. This year I started out with little direction and no real plan. Other than it had to be green and it had to be a basket of some sort. I started out on one idea and chugged merrily along until I came to a crashing halt in September. I had NO IDEA how to proceed further. Well, I can now report that the pieces are finally falling into place. An idea occurred to me the other day while doing some blog browsing. I can happily report that the 2008 Challenge is ALMOST COMPLETE! Whoo hoo!

Meanwhile, I seem to have become a bit distracted. A few months ago Freda had a Christmas Cottage exchange. I didn't participate. But, now I keep seeing all the cottages everywhere and even a completed top or two. Well, I decided to make my own cottages, smaller, and slightly different. Now I'm on a roll. I'm thinking I'll add some trees too.


Nanette Merrill said...

So cute! Love your cottages. Aren't they fun. I'm so glad you made some. Thanks for entering my giveaway - good luck!

Browndirtcottage said...

these are cute......they are addicting aren't they...i didn't participate either, but made some on my own...i'm just trying to figure out how to sew them together now...come take a look at my 'playing' layout i did a day or two ago....i too am thinking about some trees